Monday, May 17, 2010

Kit-A-Licious is now at........

 We have finalized all set up and we are ready for ya'll to shop til ya drop!  So next time you are going to get your "retail therapy" come check us out!  We have 30 designs to choose from!!  All are double page layouts, pre-cut, with a color picture!  Easy-peasy.......we have done most of the work for you, so gather your pictures and come pick your fav's before they are scooped up! 
So come see us soon!
Have a great day!!


  1. WOO HOO!!!!! Way to go girls!!! Now - to the Web!!!!

  2. Yes, way to go. I can't wait to purchase me some of those cute kits. I sure do need some beach and summer ones. Bev do you have your precious crab one there?
