Lisa and I will be setting up our booth in Mandeville for SCRAPFEST!!!
Beverly and Teri have their kits packed and ready to go...Lisa and I have a few more designs to knockout!!!
Bev sent a few more sneak peaks;
I caught a peak of Lisa's Winnie the Pooh and then a Tigger LO, OH my!!!
I have made I think 6 Disney LO's between yesterday and today!!!! Also, be sure and bring your kids sports pics...we have a TON to choose from!
Get those vacation pictures ready!!
Teri has your summer beach vacation covered as well!
I think I will stay up tonight and create a few more my theses loads of laundry get done!
Gotta get everything ready for the Honey while I'm gone!
That is all for now....
Be sure and come by our Kit-ALicious booth and tell us HEY!!!
See you there!!!